Wednesday 19 February 2014

Contents page improvement

I have decided to redraft my contents page. This is my first draft so far, at the moment I am just working on the layout of the page. The page will contain a lot of information, I will try and present this information in a way which doesn't make the page look too chaotic.

Here is my first draft where I am working on the layout of the page and where to place everything.

2nd Draft:

This is my second draft of my contents page where I have now decided on the layout I want to use. I am still working on the colours and font types to make it look realistically like a pop music magazine.

Saturday 8 February 2014

front cover improvements

3rd Draft

2nd Draft

With my second draft I have now tried to go for bolder and brighter fonts to make the magazine page stand out more. I am still working on where to place the text on the page and think of more coverlines to add, which will attract customers to buy the magazine.

This is the first draft of my front cover.

It is looking good so far, however i will need to work on the colour scheme and fonts so they all go well with eachother. I do not want fonts to look boring, everything has to be bold and bright.

First draft of front cover

Ideas of whether the front cover picture looks better in black and white or the original colour?
please comment below to what you think?



I have decided to use the second option. Although the picture does look good in black and white, I feel it does not suit the pop genre and makes it look more dance like. The colour image is more suitable for the genre of pop.

Friday 7 February 2014

Possible pictures for front cover

I have decided to use a new picture for my front cover. This picture will suit the pop genre more, giving it a Justin Bieber celebrity look. The picture which i will use is a mid close up,which is a popular pop magazine convention, the celebrity is also looking into the distance which gives it an edgy look, as if he is looking into the audience.

Below are some of the pictures which I have considered for my front cover. I have come to the decision to use the first one.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Font Research!

I am currently working to improve all my front covers. At the moment I am looking at different fonts which may be possibilities. I am currently using which offers a wide variety of different styles of fonts. The fonts I will be using will be big and bold which will stand out on the page to draw the audience in. The fonts will be rounded and not to square.

Here are some fonts that have inspired my own magazine:

Below is a video of the history of typography which has helped me with my research:

Re-Drafting of Pages

I am resubmitting parts of my AS coursework from last year. I hope to improve my pages further, and make them look more like magazine pages from a pop magazine.