Monday 25 February 2013


This is the first time I have properly used photoshop. We were given the task to turn a picture of a crab into the front cover of a cook book. I found using photoshoot very complicated but the more I used it the easier I was finding it. We firstly selected the picture of the crab from the original picture and put it on a page alone. Following on from this we then had to crop the lemons out of the original picture and place it on the new page. I have found this very challenging and therefore used the magic wond to remove any background colour, we then placed them either side of the crab. After this we then increased the canvas size by 2cm and placed the picture of the grab to the right hand side of the page. We then filled in the background of the front cover, I chose the colours blue which contrasted well with the picture of the crab. Finally we then added the title of the cook book 'CRABMANIA'.
After completing this exercise with photoshop, I now feel more comfortable using it when I come to make my own music magazine cover!

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