Wednesday 13 February 2013


The masterhead 'VIBE' almost acts like a logo for the read, this is a
unique name which the reader can refer back to. It is in  big bold font
placed at the top of the page, which makes it stand out. This catches the readers eye easily making them most likely to pick up the magazine to read. The direct quote
used from Kanye West 'I AM RAP' is appealing to the audience
as they are interested in what he has to say, this will attract fans of his
to read the magaizne further. This is the most important coverline on the page, is placed to the left of the page in big, bold pink font. This stands out the most as it relates to the celebrity on the page. The use of celebrity endorsement also  draws the reader in, by the celebrtiy appearing on the front page they are most liekly going to appear within the magazine. Fans will be interested
to read on further to keep up to date with their favourite artist.

 A close up of the celebirty is used taking up most of the page,
this makes it more appealing showing facial expressions. The use of direct address makes it more personal showing confidence about reading on further. Coverlines are used on both sides of the magazine.  The colours of the magazine used clash, pink and blue. This could also symbolise both boys and girls, suggesting a unisex target audience.

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