Thursday 28 February 2013

The Treatment

The Magazine: PUMP IT UP

Target Readership: PUMP IT UP is a new magazine aimed at females who enjoy pop music. The reader is aged between 12-16 year old. At this age they are now more involved with the latest music and up to date with new songs. The readers of the magazine may by now have part time jobs earning their own pocket money for them to buy the magazine if released weekly or monthly. Parents of readers will fall into the C1/C2 socioeconomic grouping, this then means they can buy the magazine for their daughters. Readers of Pump it up have a strong interest in programme's such as X Factor and Pop Idol. PUMP IT UP is the girl that wants to be up to date with the latest gossip. She is bold and sassy, she is very keen to get the most out of life. 

Form and Style: PUMP IT UP is an A4 colourful, jampacked magazine with celebrity gossip, interviews, fashion and quizzes. The cover contains models of approximently the same age as the target audience. The colours used are very bright colours such as pinks and purples. Each issue will feature famous bands and artists, these will either be the popular boy band or attractive female role models. X Factor and actors and actresses from wellknown teen TV programmes will appear throughout the magazine. Coverlines show the magazine to contain a lot of material , dealing with issues that every teenage girl wants to know about. The fonts used are simple and bold which are easily read. The graphics used often have a cluttered feel to give the effect that this magazine is a good value for money. The magazine will sell at £2.00, this is an affordable price for a teen magazine making it realistic.

Themes and Typical features: PUMP IT UP will have a regular theme occuring of an everyday teen magazine. Every issue will contain celebrity gossip, interviews, latest music releases aswell as fashion and questionaires/quizzes. There will be a strong focus on male artists and boybands which most teenage girls are interested in. However the magazine will also contain other information such as friendships,pets and school work. The magazine overal will be informal and chatty, the use of language will be familiar to the target audience, this will hopefully avoid the reader becoming bored and not wanting to read on.

Potential advertisers: A range of brands will feature in the magazine which relate to the target audience. Make up brands will appear, online shopping websites will be feature and also retail shops.

Editorial Team: The editorial team for PUMP IT UP will be made up of  well experienced magazine writers, which have worked with magazines aimed at teenagers in the past, they have previously worked with other magazines Girl Talk and Top of the Pops.

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